
I can see you, I know I can. please, get help. contact anyone from the team.. please.. I..

I can’t remember them. oh god.

just please, find anyone from the team I know they have to be looking for me.. right?

▀: have you seen what’s been playing on the stations down in ▀▀▀▀?

no, you know I don’t have time to keep my eyes on that shit. :▀▀▀

▀▀▀▀▀: well you should really keep a closer eye on that, its becoming a problem. so much so that they’ve named it now.

▀▀▀▀▀: they call it ghost children. or ghost people, i’m not really sure but its obvious they’re trying to run with this story as far as they can.

and you want me to do…? :▀▀▀

▀▀▀▀▀: i want you to-

look, i’m working with the team and with her as much as we can to solve this problem. her getting thrown into her own grave isn’t my problem but the domino effect she did is. now if you’ll excuse me I need to get some work done before this team gets too carried away questioning her. :▀▀▀

W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸


W̴e̶l̷c̵o̴m̵e̸ ̶t̸o̴ ̵m̸y̸
̷h̵e̷r̸ ̸p̸e̵r̷s̷o̸n̷a̵l̵ ̶h̷e̵l̷l̴.̸